Lower Eagle 1: Squaw Creek to Hollingsworth Ditch

Current and Historical Drivers of Degradation

This section of the Eagle River is impacted by transportation corridors including Hwy 6 and the railroad tracks. This infrastructure fills and fragments floodplains pockets and riparian corridors. Legacy floodplain modification (e.g., filling and grading) is apparent in unconfined areas around Wolcott.

Flows are altered on this reach by upstream water use and management. The frequency of years achieving certain bed sediment mobilization thresholds near Red Mountain Ranch have declined more than 70% compared to natural historic conditions. Total annual flow volumes in dry years have declined 23% . The frequency of peak flows equivalent to the natural 1-in-4 year flood have declined more than 35%. Annual 3-day peak flow magnitudes declined 19%.

Nutrients are an emerging water quality concern. Ambient nutrient concentrations do not exceed regulatory standards for water quality but regularly exceed 50% of statewide standards values, although these are not applied on this reach currently.

Report Card